Condition: In excellent condition having been beautifully polished, waxed and reupholstered in our workshops, please see photos for confirmation. Height 86 x Width 51 x Depth 55 - Chair. Height 87 x Width 54 x Depth 56 - Armchair. Height 47 - Seat Height. Height 2 foot, 10 inches x Width 1 foot, 8 inches x Depth 1 foot, 10 inches - Chair.
Height 2 foot, 10 inches x Width 1 foot, 9 inches x Depth 1 foot, 10 inches - Armchair. Height 1 foot, 6 inches - Seat Height. Take a tour of our London showrooms.
Take Piccadilly line to Manor House station. Go to top of escalators and turn left.
Take exit 7 and walk straight on for 10 metres. Manor Warehouse is on the right. There is car parking available on site. Please make all cheques payable to Regent Antiques.Bank details: Regent Antiques - BBVA - Account: 05701615 - Sort: 23-59-11. For the best value, we recommend offsetting this cost by purchasing multiple items.
Please be advised that claims for damage with certain carriers can sometimes take several months to resolve, and we would be grateful for your patience and cooperation throughout the process.