Vintage Antique 4 Prints of The Great War By Harold Piffard From 1916

Vintage Antique 4 Prints of The Great War By Harold Piffard From 1916
Vintage Antique 4 Prints of The Great War By Harold Piffard From 1916
Vintage Antique 4 Prints of The Great War By Harold Piffard From 1916

Vintage Antique 4 Prints of The Great War By Harold Piffard From 1916

Each print measures 14 inches in length and height, with a width of 9.5 inches. The non-fiction illustrations are in English and showcase a military theme from the 1910s era. These prints are intended for adults and offer a glimpse into the historical topic of World War I. 1 - How the charge was won. 2 - When the boys come marching home.

4- King George and the V. As you will see from the photos, all 4 prints have damage on the edges of the borders but the prints are intact with no damage.

Vintage Antique 4 Prints of The Great War By Harold Piffard From 1916