1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts

1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts
1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts

1880 Antique Cookbook Vintage Cookery Set Victorian Home Farm Decor Arts Crafts

Note: Many of my clients are expert chefs and food service professionals, homemakers, and aspiring Chopped Champions seeking detailed information about their preferred fields of cuisine. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book. In this Book (Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): Victorian Household Guide House Home House-Keeping Housewife Domestic Economy Antique Cookbook Cook Cooking Vintage Cookery Pastry Chef Cuisine Culinary Food Recipe Book Kitchen Guide Instructions Baking Roasting Broiling Boiling Soup Fish Seafood Poultry Chicken Turkey Game Meats Beef Steak Pork Veal Mutton Ham Curry Gravy Sauces Vegetables Salads Pickles Pickling Eggs Omelets Ketchup Forcemeat Bread Rolls Biscuits Buns Rice Breakfast Lunch Dinner Cakes Muffins Pastry Puddings Desserts Sweet Dishes Puffs Tartlets Turnovers Blanc Mange Syllabub Fruit Coloring For Confectionery Ice Cream Ices Creams Preserves Preserving Jelly Jellies Jam Milk Butter Cheese Beverages Tea Coffee Wines Brandy First Aid Cures Home Remedies Domestic Medicine Meat Dishes Vegetables Cheese, Macaroni, Calf's Head, Sweetbreads Vol-Au-Vents Fish Sausage Meats Forcemeats Pates Bacon Ham Salt Pork Mushrooms Pickles Making Sweetmeats Confectionery Bread Fancy Biscuits Cakes Made With Indian Corn-Meal Puddings Dumplings Ices Iced Drinks Sweets Savouries Cream Dainties Beverages Soups Broths Purees Savoury Pies Seasonings Eggs Cheese Cheese-Making Custards Pies Puddings Patties Cakes Fruits Fruit Drinks Preserves Home-Made Wines Beer Brewing French Soups French Sauces French Dishes French Cuisine Scotch Dishes Christmas Fare Hints On Carving Horse And Farm Breeding Arabian Horse Persian Horse Turkoman India Horses Egyptian European Flemish Norman Hanoverian Spanish Jennet British Scotch Galloway Shetland Sheltie New Forest Pony Exmoor Devonshire Pony Welshman English Lincolnshire Clydesdale Race Hunting Hack Harness Suffolk Cleveland Horses Stable Bridle Riding Driving Farm Livestock Poultry Fowls Chickens Ducks Geese Turkeys Guinea Fowl Cattle Cows Calves Dairy Pigs Slaughtering Curing Bees Bee-Keeping Apiary Bee Hives Honey Household Decoration Furniture Chairs Windows Curtains Bedroom Furniture Bed Dinner Table Upholstery Fabrics Lace Embroidery Cameos Gold Silver Jewelry Books Silk Woolens Leather Gloves China Marble Drawings Prints Tools Mirrors Feathers Boots Shoes Herbs Steel Ornaments Doherty's Description Dried Plants Flowers Britannia Metal Patent Leather Velvet Mantels Mantelpieces Modeling Wax Bronzing Gilding Gutta Percha Ink Quill Pens Gems Stoneware Domestic Servants Cook Housemaid Dusting Scrubbing Cleaning Brass Copper Glass Cloth Paint Parlour Maid Maid's Uniform Lady's Maid Laundry Maid Nurse Nursery Maid Governess Charwomen Needlewoman Household Mechanic Tool Chest Brad Awls Brace Bits Chisels Files Rasps Gimlets Augurs Gauges Hammers Mallets Pincers Pliers Planes Saws Vice Wrench Wood Ash Beech Oak Pine Carpenter Doors Windows Blinds Garden Furniture Decorations Rustic Work Summer House Fern Cases Window Gardens Furs Sable Clocks Watches Clockwork Soap Soap-Making Household Firearms Candles Candle Making Wax Spermaceti Lamps Barometers Household Pets Dogs Terrier Poodle Mastiff Bulldog Bloodhound St.

Bernard Newfoundland Spaniel Setter Retriever Pointer Dalmatian Cats Cage Birds Rabbits Pigeons Goldfish Guinea Pigs Aquariums Household Amusements Hobbies Arts Crafts Kites Croquet Photography Archery Christmas Easter Valentine's Day Holiday Activities Seaside Sea Bathing Sea Shells Sea Shell Crafts Fishing Rods Pole Tackle Gardening Walls And Fences Garden Paths Garden Tools Implements Trees Shrubs Greenhouse Ornamental Trees Herbs Herbal Wild Plants Poisonous Plants Decorative Arts Crafts Household Decorative Art Leather Work Albums Scrapbooks Scrapbooking Paper Flowers Modeling Clay Plaster Glass Painting Fans Fancy Work Bead Mosaic Hair Ornaments Hair Art Photography Camera Lenses Neetmok Printing Process Taxidermy Perfumery Needlework Fancy Work Embroidery Point Lace Patchwork Crochet Knitting Tatting Society And Etiquette Weddings Dancing Death Mourning Domestic Surgery Medicine Children's Dress Toilette Child Rearing Gold And Silver Marks Household Chemistry Silkworms Ice Ice Houses Parasols Mineral Waters Machinery And Contrivances Riding For Ladies Shirt-Making Work-Box Furniture Textile Fabrics Shaving Razors Dressmaking Decorative Glass Work. CASSELL'S HOUSEHOLD GUIDE To Every Department of Practical Life: Being a Complete Encyclopedia of Domestic and Social Economy. Published by Cassell & Company, Limited, London, Paris, New York and Melbourne. Four 10" x 8" red cloth hardcovers decorated with gilt and black. Illustrated with color plates and black and white text illustrations.

Volume I = 380 pages. Volume II = 380 pages.

Volume III = 364 pages. Volume IV = 380 pages.

Handsome, colorful exteriors as can be seen in photos. Some small inconspicuous splits in cloth along spine edges, possibly mended at some point. All four volumes are firmly bound, strong unbroken hinges. Here and there (remember, these books were used in a kitchen environment).

Text looks good and clean. Oddly, volume I has a Volume IV title page. Publisher's error, I imagine. A wonderful surviving example of this complete and very scarce Victorian four-volume set. There may be slight variations in foxing/toning, etc. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. In the Victorian age, European and American homemakers became infatuated with the concept of "domestic economy, " or the theory and practice of household management as both vocation and art. To aid housewives in the quest for perfect cookery and spotless, well-appointed homes, publishers on both sides of the Atlantic churned out cookbooks, receipt books, household manuals and etiquette guides in record numbers.

But of all the titles published from the 1870s to the 1890s, few could hold a candle to CASSELL'S HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. In terms of useful information and illustrated content, this handsome, four-volume set stands alone. It is at once a fully-stocked cookbook (complete with sections on French cuisine), a household advisor, a furnishing and decorating assistant, an etiquette consultant, a farm and livestock manual, a gardening how-to book, a treasury of hobbies and pastimes, an arts and crafts instructor, and a family home medical guide. Profusely illustrated with full-page color plates and numerous text illustrations.

The range of subject matter is as diverse as it is fascinating - cooking, baking, preserving and pickling. How to make home-made wines and beer. How to manage horses and cattle.

How to furnish and decorate a home in the Victorian manner. Home workshop and tool instruction. All manner of household receipts. How to care for firearms, clocks, watches, barometers and other household items.

How to conduct oneself in social situations. How to handle a death in the household.

How to raise well-mannered children. Dogs, cats and other household pets. Archery, photography, taxidermy and other hobbies and pastimes. Ladies' fancy work, embroidery, knitting and crochet.

How to make Christmas decorations, Easter eggs and Valentines. Household first aid, medicine and how to care for the sick.

This rare and complete 4-volume set is a priceless window into upper and middle-class life during the Victorian era, so complete that I daresay the only thing missing is Queen Victoria herself (although the book does contain sections on royalty). For your convenience, I have attempted to describe some of the books' contents below.

It would take me weeks to properly and adequately describe the myriad subjects covered in these four beautiful volumes, so we must content ourselves with a brief overview only. Below I have treated many of the main topics and sections for your perusal, however please keep in mind that these books contain many more riches than are mentioned here - for example, all four volumes feature extensive sections on Home Medical Care, First Aid, Personal Hygiene and Fitness, etc. However they are so detailed that I decided it would be better to describe them not at all than to give them short shrift with only a few sentences. Also, there are many sections that defy easy categorization. These I have cited by name only towards the end of my description, but rest assured that each receives due attention in the text of these books.

Below you will also find many examples of the beautiful illustrations in these volumes -- but not nearly as many as the books actually contain. These include color plate illustrations and black and white text illustrations, patterns, etc. Sliced Calf's or Sheep's Liver, Fried.

Bullock's Heart a la Mode. Calf's Cheek and the Soup from it. How to make Parsley Sauce.

Ends of the Ribs, or Breast of Beef, Stewed. Shoulder of Mutton, Boned and Stewed.

Mutton Kidneys, Broiled or Roasted. Mutton Kidneys, Stewed or Saute. How to make Chops, Plain Fried. How to make Cutlets, Plain Fried.

Lamb Chops with Cucumber Sauce. The Common or Domestic Fowl.

Fowl Roasted on a String. How to cook Old Fowls. Beef Tongue with Piquante Sauce.

Meat Glaze in a hurry. Minced Beef and Boiled Potatoes.

Tripes a la Mode de Caen. Fillet of Veal, English Way.

Brisket of Veal and Rice. Breast of Veal a la Marengo. Hashed Veal en Blanquette as a white Fricassee. Fricasseed Fowl a la Bressane. Duck, done in a stewpan. Duck in a stewpan with turnips. Wild Duck or Mallard Roasted. Matelote of Rabbit and Eel. Fricandeau of Rabbit Rabbit Pie.

How to warm cold Rabbit. Snipe or Woodcock and Beefsteak Pudding boiled. Mushroom Sauce for Fowls and Rabbits.

Mustard Sauce for Rump Steaks. Potatoes au Maitre d'Hotel.

Long-horn or Altringham Carrots as Carrot Soup. How to Stew Red Cabbage. Couve Tronchuda, or Portugal Cabbage.

Good King Henry, Wild Spinach or Goosefoot. CHEESE, MACARONI, CALF'S HEAD, SWEETBREADS, VOL-AU-VENTS. Perch, Eels and Small Pike. How to make Potted Eels.

How to make Conger Eel Pie. How to make Liver Sauce. Plain Boiled Mackerel, with Fennel Sauce.

How to make Pickled Herrings, French Way. Siamese Herring, broiled as twins. The Razor Fish or Solen. The Great Lake Trout and Salmon Trout. Eels Stewed with abcxs Sorrel.

Plaice or Flounder with Norman Sauce. How to make Cod Steaks. Boiled Cod's Head and Shoulders. Cod's Sounds and Tongues.

Lobster, Plain, Split and Cracked. Broiled Mackerel and Tarragon Butter. Mackerel a la Poulette, stewed White. The Best Way to Cook Preserved Oysters. SAUSAGE MEATS, FORCEMEATS AND PATES. Oxford and Cambridge Sausage Meats. Strasbourgh Pates de Foie Gras. How to collar Pig's Head. BACON, HAM AND SALT PORK. A Good Pickle for Hams to Be Smoked. The French Country Way of Salting Pork. How to make Broiled Mushrooms.

How to make Stewed Mushrooms. How to make Mushroom Catchup. Wax for sealing pickle jars and bottles. Pickled Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Beet Roots.

How to make Candied Horehound. How to make Ginger Drops. How to make Elecampane or Candy Cake. How to prepare Caramel or Burnt Sugar. Manufacture of Cocoa, Cacaoine and Chocolate. How to make a Hedgehog in Confectionery. Another way to make Lemon Drops. Paste for Tarts and Cheesecakes. Another way to make Sugar Biscuits.

How to Pickle Elder Tops. How to make good household bread.

How to make Sally Lunn Cakes. How to make American Raised Buckwheat Cakes. How to make Fried Bread Cakes, American. CAKES MADE WITH INDIAN CORN-MEAL. How to make Johnny or Journey Cake, American.

A Cheap way to make Batter Cakes. How to make Hard or Suffolk Dumplings. How to make Drop Dumplings.

How to make Plum Pudding. How to make Baked Apple Pudding. How to make Sausage Dumpling. How to make Mincemeat or Bacon Pudding.

How to make Mincemeat or Bacon Roll. How to make Plain Batter Pudding. How to make Baked Batter Pudding with Sausages or Bacon. Batter Pudding, baked under meat.

How to make Yorkshire Pudding. How to make Carrot Pudding. How to make Saratoga Pudding. How to make Suet Dumpling. How to make Suet Pudding. How to make Treacle Pudding. How to make Apple Dumplings.

How to make Potato Dumpling. How to make Light Dumplings, Steamed. Raspberry, Currant, and Pineapple Ice Creams. How to make Rock Cake.

How to make Soda Cake. Sweet Jelly for 20 Guests. How to make Tea and Coffee. Descriptions and Qualities of Tea.

Of Black Tea - Bohea. How to make Cabbage Soup. How to make Meagre Cabbage Soup. Van Abbot's Invalid Soup. Green Pea Soup, French way. Shrimp Tail and Tomato Soup. Mussel or other Shellfish Soup.

All the Year Round's Mulligatawny. Pea Soup, Puree of Dried Peas. Broth from Essences and Extracts of Meat. Mutton Broth for any Sick Persons.

How to make a Pork and Apple Pie. The paste for Dartmouth Pie. Potato and Sausage Meat Pie. How to make Paste for Meat or Fruit Pies. A Rich Paste for Pasties.

Another way to make a Mashed Potato Pie. Another way to make Potato Pie. Another kind of Puff Paste. How to prepare Almond Paste for Crackling Crust. Seasoning for Forcemeat and for Game and Meat Pies.

Essence of Anchovies for flavoring sauces. Another kind of essence of anchovies.

Seasoned Vinegar for Indian Pickles. Kitchener's Essence of Capsicum.

Kitchener's essence of Ginger. Eggs Done in Their Dish.

Omelette Souffle in a Mould. Eggs and Spinach, or Sorrel. A French Method of Preserving Eggs. Cheddar and West Rennard Cheese.


Baron Brisse's Rice Pudding Baked in a Saucepan. How to Preserve Green Gooseberries. Charlotte of Apples without a Mould.

FRUITS, FRUIT DRINKS AND PRESERVES, ETC. Brandied Cherries or Cherry Brandy.

Damson, Bullace or Common Plum Jam. How to Preserve Cherries in Bunches. Another way to pickle Barberries. Another method of preserving Barberries. How to preserve Apples for winter. Another method of making Apple Paste. How to keep Quinces through the year. Another way to preserve Quinces. Another way to Preserve Plums. How to pickle Plums like Olives. How to pickle Plum Buds. An Easy Way to Preserve Plums for Pies and Tarts. The Cherry Tree and its Fruit. How to Preserve Apricots in a Dry State. Several Ways to make Apricot Paste. Another way to prepare Apricot Paste.

HOW TO MAKE HOME-MADE WINES. How to make Four Gallons of Grape Wine. How to make Green Grape Wine. The Honorable Charles Hamilton's Method of Making Wine from Unripe Grapes. Sparkling Grape Wine or English Champagne.

How to make a Gallon of Elderberry and Damson Wine. The Length of Time Necessary for Maturing Wines.

BEER AND HOW TO BREW IT. The Chemical Changes in Beer. How to clean Musty Beer Barrels. How to prepare Pot au Feu.

Potage au Naturel avec Pain. Potage aux Petits Oignons Blancs. Potage a la Pointe d'Asperges. Potage Maigre a la Tyrolienne.

Potage a la Puree de Racine. Potage a la Puree de Navets. Croute a la Puree de Lentilles. Croute a la Puree de Pois Nouveaux. Croute a la Puree de Haricots Blancs.

Potage au Pain et a la Puree Maigre. Puree de Lentilles au Maigre. Croute a la Puree de Marrons.

Potage au Riz Maigre a la Puree Pois Verts. Potage au Vermicelle au Lait. Vermicelle au Lait d'Amandes. Riz Au Lait d'Amandes.

Bouillon de Lapereaux de Garenne. Consomme de Debris de Volaille. Potage a la Semoule au Lait. Glace de Volaille en Tablettes. Bouillon Maigre a la Laugipierre. Potage au Ble de Turquie. Potage a la Fecule de Pommes de Terre et aux Oignons. Bifteck ou Filet de Boeuf. Langue de Boeuf Salee et Fumee. Langue de Boeuf en Ragout. Langue de Boeuf a la Broche.

Filet de Boeuf a la Broche. Emince de Filet de Boeuf a la Sauce. Sauce Maitre d'Hotel Froide. Sauce Maitre d'Hotel Liee.

Bread Sauce for serving with partridges. Sauce Tomate a la Bourgeoise. Sauce au Beurre d'Ail. Sauce au Beurre d'Ecrevisses.

Sauce Tomate a l'Italienne. Sauce au Beurre d'Anchois. Sauce aux Anchois pour le boeuf.

Ragout de Ris de Veau. Sauce Pour Le Poisson d'Eau Douce.

Palais de Boeuf en Filets. Hachis de Roti de Boeuf. Eminence d'Aloyau a la Bourgeois. Langue de Boeuf a l'Ecarlate. Cervelles a la Sauce Tomate. Queues de Mouton au Riz. Queue de Boeuf a la Puree. Queue de Boeuf a la Sauce Tomate. Queue de Boeuf en Matelote.

Queue de Boeuf a la Sainte Menehould. Gras-double a la Sauce Robert. Cote de Boeuf a la Marseillaise.

Queues de Mouton a la Puree. Pieds de Mouton a la Poulette. Cote de Boeuf a la Fermiere.

Cotelettes de Mouton a la Puree d'Oignons. Cervelles de Veau en Mayonnaise. Tendons de Veau en Kari.

Tendons de Veau a l'Allemande. Gateau de Foie de Veau. Foie de Veau a la Broche. Poitrine de Veau aux Pois.

Veau Roti a la Languedocienne. Roti de Rognons de Veau. Ris de Veau a la Sauce Tomate. Ris de Veau a la Puree de Lentilles. Ris de Veau en Caisse.

Langue de Veau en Filets. Langue de Veau en Papillotes. Pieds de Veau au Naturel.

Langue de Veau a la Braise. Langue de Boeuf a la Braise. Oreilles de Veau a la Napolitaine. Pieds d'Agneau a la Sauce Tomate. Tete de Veau en Tortue.

Cervelles et Langues d'Agneau. Tete de veau a la Sainte Menehould. Cervelles de veau en Matelote.

Cervelles de Veau a la Poulette. Cervelles de Veau a la Sauce Verte. Pieds de Mouton a la Sainte Menehould. Langues de Mouton au Gratin.

Pieds de Mouton au gratin. Hachis de Mouton Roti aux Champignons. Cotelettes de Mouton Panees et Grilles.

Hachis de Mouton Roti aux Fines Herbes. Epaule de Mouton au Ris. Epaule de Mouton en Saucisson. Agneau Roti a la Bernaise. Epaule d'Agneau aux Truffles. Epaule de Veau a lEtouffade. Cotelettes de Veau en Papillote. Cotelettes de Veau a la Lyonnaise. Poitrine de Veau a la Puree. Cotelettes de Veau Grilles et Panees.

Cotellettes de Veau Braisees aux Truffes. Cotelettes de Veau au Lard. Cotelettes de Cochon a la Poele. Queues de Cochons a la Puree.

Pieds de Cochon au Naturel. Pieds de Cochon a la Sainte Menehould. Oreilles de Cochon a la Puree. Oreilles de Cochon a la Menehould. Rognons de Cochon au Vin.

Cochon de Lait en Blanquette. Cotelettes d'Agneau a la Parmesane. Fraise de Veau au Naturel.

Fraises de Veau a l'Orientale. Langue de Cochon a la Mayonnaise.

Filets de Lievre en Civet. Clear Calf's Foot Jelly.

Crème en Mousse au Café. Crème en Mousse au Chocolat. Crème a la Vanille en Mousse. Crème en Mousse aux Liqueurs. Poulets a la Sainte Menehould.

Chapon Farci a la Crème. Haricots Verts a la Maitre d'Hotel. Haricots Verts a la Provincial.

Pointes d'Asperges en Petits Pois. Epinards a la Maitre d'Hotel.

Choux-fleurs a la Sauce Blanche. Choux-fleurs a la Sauce Brune au Beurre. Choux-fleurs en Pain a l'Italienne.

Fecule de Pommes de Terres. Pommes de terre frites au beurre. Pommes de terre a la maitre d'Hotel. Pommes de terre au blanc.

Pommes de terre au roux. Canard Roti a la Broche.

Canards a la Braise aux Navets. Canard aux Puree de Lentilles. Hachis de Dindon a la Bechamel.

Ailerons de Dindon en Haricot. Ailerons de Dindon aux Marrons. Ailerons de Dindon en Matelote. Ailerons de Dindon en Fricandeau. Pigeouns a la Sainte Menehould.

Raie a la Sainte Menehould. Turbot a la Sauce aux Capres.

Saumon a la Sauce Tomate. Saumon a la Sauce Capree. Fat Brose, Kail Brose, and Pan Kail Brose. Cock a Leekie and Leek Porridge.

How to Boil a Ham. Roast Beef Sirloin or Ribs.

Mince Meat for Mince Pies. Pilchards, Herrings, Smelts, Whitebait, Sprats. How to make Potato Pie. How to make Potato Bread. How to make Potato Cake.

How to make Matrimony Sauce. How to make Saffron Cakes or Buns. A Good Common Cake Recipe.

How to make Apple Pancakes. Roast Pork and Potatoes, Fried Whole.

Pig's Head boiled with Vegetables. Orange Biscuits or Little Cakes. Calf's Head, Plain Boiled. Calf's Head a la Tortue. Sauce for Fish or Cold Meat.

Vinegar and How to Make It. How to use up Cold Meat. How to make Broth from Calves Feet. A good way to cook Ox-Cheek.

HORSE AND FARM : THE HORSE: Introduction Of the Different Breeds of Horses Of Eastern Breeds The Arabian The Persian The Turkoman India Horses Western Breeds Egyptian Horses South and North American Horses European Horses The Flemish Horse The Norman Horse The Hanoverian Horses The Spanish Jennet The British Horse The Scotch Galloway The Shetland or Sheltie The New Forest Pony and Exmoor or Devonshire Pony The Welshman English Horses The Lincolnshire and Clydesdale Lighter Horses and their Adaptability to our Pursuits The Racehorse The High-class Hunter The Poor-Man's Hunter Structure of the Horse Hacks and Harness Horses The Omnibus Horse and Machiner Cart Horses The Clydesdale The Suffolk The English Cart Hourse The Clevelands Other Varieties Ponies and Pleasure Hacks The Covert Hack High-Class Carriage Horse Light Phaeton and Brougham Horses Of Single Harness Coach Horses and Hunters Irish Hunters Stable Management and Feeding General Principles Hay Oats Beans Water Green Meat Stabling Some Few Accessories to the Stable Stable and Yard, with its Adjuncts On Saddles and Bridles Dentition of the Horse The Grooming and Condition of the Horse Condition of the Horse Riding and Driving. FARM & LIVESTOCK: How to build Poultry Houses and Runs The Feeding and General Management of Adult Fowls Incubation of Poultry Incubation of Poultry The Rearing and Fattening of Chickens Ducks and Geese Turkeys and Guinea Fowl Diseases of Poultry The Varieties of Cattle Housing, Feeding and Management of Dairy Cows Management of the Family or Cottager's Cow Pigs Characteristics of the Chief English Breeds of Pigs Housing, Breeding and Rearing Pigs Feeding, Killing and Curing Pigs Rearing Calves Winter Food, or Cattle Cookery.

BEES AND BEE-KEEPING: Introduction Form of the Hive Position of the Hive Danger from Animals and Insects Collateral Bee Boxes Bees to Fill the Hive Directions for Taking the Honey Food For Bees Treatment of Bees During Winter The Honey and Wax. THE HOUSE: Water Supply Drainage The Store Room Some Neglected Matters in Connection with House Drainage Smoky Chimneys Sinks and Drain Traps for Domestic Purposes. HOUSEHOLD: Hints on Decorating the Dinner Table The General Furniture of the House Chiffonier Chairs Easy Chair Window Curtains Chimney Glass Fenders and Fire Irons Bedroom Furniture Kitchen Requisites The Arrangement of Dinner Tables Principles of Good Taste in Household Furniture and Decoration Cleaning Clothing and Upholstery To Clean Colored Fabrics To Clean Muslin Dresses How to Clean Laces How to Bleach Lingerie, Lace and Embroidery Wall Paper Washing Made Easy, Quick and Unlaborious How to Clean Flannels and Woolen Hose General Washing Made Easy The Care of Pictures Carpets and Other Floor Coverings Mats for Dinner and Breakfast Tables The Care of Photographs The Management of Feather Beds How to make Nets for Fishing and Gardening Purposes Folding Serviettes The Principles of Color, and Rules for Their Artistic Application in Dress, Furniture, Etc. How to Clean Picture Frames Dinner Parties Upholstery Work How to make Bed Curtains and Hangings Window Curtains for Bedrooms Cretonne Chintz and White Dimity Valances Chair and Sofa Covers Sink and Drain Traps for Domestic Purposes Textile Fabrics in Domestic Use French Polish Stationery How to Make Walking Sticks Handsome Curtains at Little Cost Fountains for Drawing Room, Conservatory, or Parlour Windows Household Linen How to Cut and Make Walking Sticks. OTHER HOUSEHOLD RECEIPTS: A Word or Two About Cameos How to Loosen Glass Stoppers Gutta Percha for Mending Shoes The Quality and Values of Gold and Silver A Few Words about Dyeing How to Make Sealing Wax The Care of Books Veneering Inlaying Marquetry Parquetry Jeweller's Doublets How to Clean Cloth How to Make Glue Acorns as Chimney Ornaments Hints for the Laundry Coffee Starch How to Revive Gilt Frames American Whitewash How to Kill Worms and Prevent them from Damaging Books How to clean Colored or Doeskin Gloves How to clean a Swans' Down Cape or Tippet How to renovate a Black Silk Dress How to clean Plate Artificial Teeth How to Clean Black Silk with very little trouble and expense Directions for Cleaning Black Merino or any Woolen Stuff How to renovate Crape Gloves and Glove Cleaning Hats and How to Treat Them How to Clean Wine and Beer Barrels Washing Clothes How to keep Moths from Fur and Woolen Clothes Washing Chintzes How to clean Paint Coffee as in France How to Wash Leather Gloves How to Mend China Damp Walls A pleasant strengthening drink The simplest method of cooling wine How to prevent drawn beer from becoming flat Shoes for infants How to mount prints or maps How to clean decanters or water bottles Pamphlet case How to Bronze Images How to stain marble artificially Fancy method of tarring fences How to Make Souvenir Albums How to clean furniture How to varnish colored drawings or prints How to sharpen and temper saws and edged tools How to repair broken walls How to clean looking glasses How to clean stone steps and stairs How to prepare Feathers A substitute for cream How to clean bottles How to cleanse cloth or silk from spots of wax How to clean carpets How to cut pencils Sea Bathing How to make French Polish for boots and shoes Herbs Herb mixture Steel Ornaments Orangeade at any time of year The Barometer or Weather Glass Contamination by zinc tanks Anti-macassar Curtain bands The best and easiest mode of drying plants How to smooth muslin dresses when creased How to clean looking glasses and mirrors The Saxe Weimar Netted Shawl How to exclude air from wine or bottled beer Hanging Flower Baskets About Parasols How to repolish Tortoiseshell How to remove marking ink stains from linen and other materials How to preserve lemon-peel French polish How to Sweeten Butter How to clean Gilt Jewelry A hint in packing How to bleach wool Ivory Ornaments Polishing Paste for Britannia Metal How to polish Patent Leather Boots Economy in Coals How to clean and renovate Velvets How to remove Smoke Stains from Marble Mantelpieces How to mend broken dishes How to take ink stains out of paint How to clean alabaster ornaments White Marble How to prepare Emery Cloth and paper Soapsuds for Manure Modelling wax Lavender Water How to bronze Iron How to make Gutta Percha tissue Removing inkstains How to gild on paper or vellum with leaf-gold Doherty's Description How to prepare gold and silver ink Permanent marking ink for linen How to produce a crystalline appearance on tin plate Caution about ivory Jet for ornaments Confectionery Management of a Watch How to prevent fishing lines rotting Quill Pens The Dutch Method of Salting Herrings Shirt-Making Gems and Jewelry How to Distinguish Artificial Gems Liquid for Sizing Prints previous to coloring them Hints on Varnishing Shaving Razors Dr.

Clark's Process for Softening Hard Water How to clean Doeskin Riding Gloves Laundress's Starch Steel Pens Waterproof Paper French Mode of Cleaning Kid Gloves Oil for watches and delicate machinery How to clean decanters and water bottles Composition for cleaning brown leather How to render boots and shoes waterproof Earthenware Method of Making Cloth and Leather Weatherproof China and Stoneware Porcelain Simple and Expeditious Method of Imitating Marble Imitation of Armour A simple ornament for the firegrate in Summer How to make a weather house Paste for Sharpening Razors German Polish for Furniture How to prevent flies from soiling picture frames How to remove paint or tar from the hands How to clean looking glasses How to remove stains from scarlet cloth How to clean gilt articles How to take oilstains from floorboards Composition for cleaning tea and coffee urns How to remove oil stains from stone and marble How to keep moths from clothes How to remove egg stains from silver spoons How to make screws hold in soft woods Artificial Gold Colouring of Gold How Wood Decays Composition for cleaning brown leather. THE HOUSEHOLD MECHANIC: Introduction The Tool Chest Brad Awls Brace and Bits Chisels Files and Rasps Gimlets and Augurs Gauges Hammers and Mallets Pincers and Pliers Planes Saws Vices Wrenches Wood Ash Beech Oak Pine Joints The Carpenter's Bench Doors Windows Blinds Bell-Hanging Curtains Locks and Door Fittings Gas Garden Furniture and Decorations Gas Meters Garden Decorations and Rustic Work How to Build a Summer House Household Boilers Painting Imitating Fancy Woods and Marbles How to Construct Glass Houses and Conservatories Cheap, Simple and Tasteful Home-Made Furniture How to Make Picture Frames Making and Fixing Shelves Ovens How to Put on a Lock Glazing and Ornamental Glass Fern Cases and Window Gardens - How to Make and How to Use Them Paper Hanging Whitewashing and Plasterers Work Soldering Repairing Furniture Painting Bricklaying Plastering, Cements, Etc Window Mending Bricklaying Meat Safes. FURS: Varieties The Sable The Hudson's Bay Sable The Baum or Pine Marten The Stone Marten The Fisher Marten The Minx The Ermine The Fitch or Polecat The North American Skunk The Kolinkski The Musquash or Musk Rat The Nutria The Perwitsky The Beaver The Otter The Sea Otter The Seal The Fox The Wolverine The Bear The Grizzly Bear The White Polar Bear The Brown or Isabella Bear The Hare The White Hare of Russia and the Polar Regions The White Polish Rabbit The Squirrel The Siberian Squirrel The Chinchilla The Raccoon The Common Badger The Cat The Canada Lynx The Grebe Muffs and tippets Sheep-skins The Astrakhan Goat Skin Manufacture Preservation. CLOCKS AND WATCHES: Introduction Clockwork Eight Day Clock The Fusee Anchor Escapement Dead Beat Escapement Striking Apparatus Pendulums Cleaning Clocks. SOAP AND SOAP-MAKING: How Soap is Made Ball Soap Common Hard White Soap Honey Soap Brown Windsor Soap Glycerine Soap Scented Soap Transparent Soap Fancy Soap Carbolic Soap Silica Soap.

HOUSEHOLD FIREARMS: Introduction How to clean Guns Useful Gun for House Defense. THE DOG: Origin and principal varieties The Scotch Terrier The Skye Terrier The Bull Terrier The Poodle The English Mastiff Bulldog The Bloodhound The St.

Bernard The Newfoundland The Water Spaniel The Setter The King Charles and Blenheim Spaniels The Retriever The Pointer The Greyhound Sheep Dogs The Dalmatian or Carriage Dog Training Feeding and General Management Diseases of Dogs. THE DOMESTIC CAT: Varieties of Cats Diseases of Cats. CAGE BIRDS: The Canary Norwich, Yorkshire, Etc Crested Clear Belgian The Lizards Spangled Silver Spangled Golden Spangled London Fancy The Nottingham Variegation Dutch Canaries Mules Catching Birds when Loose Deal Bird Cages Cure for Baldness Moulting A Cure for Cage Birds that are Eggbound Cutting the Claws Husky Canaries Teaching the Canary Tricks The Chaffinch The Goldfinch Flight Birds How to select a male bird The Linnet The Titlark The Skylark The Woodlark The Song Thrush The Blackbird Parrots Lories Parakeets Toucans.

RABBITS: Housing Rabbits Cleanliness Feeding Diseases Snuffles Liver Complaint Varieties General Management. PIGEONS: Our Native Wild Pigeons and the Origin of the Domestic Birds Nature and Habits of the Tame Pigeon The Dove-cot and Pigeon Boxes Stocking the Dove-Cot How to Distinguish Sex and Age Food Diseases Canker Megrims Wet Roup Dry Roup Atrophy or Wasting Away Lameness Difficulty of Moulting Parasites Various Breeds Homing Pigeon The Tumbler The Almond Tumbler The Horseman The Dragoon The Leghorn Runt The Trumpeter The Laugher The English Pouter The Fantail or Broad-tailed Shaker The Archangel The Jacobin The Turbit The Owl The Nun The Barb The Mahomet The Spot The Magpie The Helmet Parrots.

HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES: Table Decorations Christmas Fare Christmas Decorations of the Home Decorations for Christmas and Other Seasons Christmas Decorations for the Household Articles or Decorations for Christmas Trees How to Make Valentines How to Make Easter Eggs. SEASIDE AMUSEMENTS: Sea Bathing Ladies' Bathing Dresses Shells and Shell Work Collecting Shells Towing-nets for Collecting Shells Dredging as a means of Collecting Shells Cleansing and Preserving Shells Shell Ornaments Bedroom Ornaments Fastening on the Shells Arrangement of Shells Parlour Ornaments A Shell Basket Shell Work-Box How to make Card or Millboard Boxes Tools and Apparatus for the Naturalist Sea Fishing. FISHING TACKLE: Making Rods Making Lines Fish Hooks Home Manufacture of Fishing Tackle. GARDENING: Conditions of Town Gardening The Soil and How to Improve It Aspect of the Ground Walls and Fences Laying Out the Garden Succession of Plants The Window Garden The Small Suburban Garden Formation of Garden Paths The Cultivation of Small Gardens The Cultivation of Small Gardens The Tool House The Spade The Digging Fork Small Weeding Fork The Rake The Hoe Turf-cutter Ladder and Garden Steps Daisy Rake Hammer Roller Watering Pot Axe Rotation Cropping of a Small Garden Pruning Scissors The Hand Saw and Tenon Saw The Scythe Stone or Rubber Shears The Dutch Hoe The Pruning Knife The Dibbler or Dibble The Trowel Baskets Rotation Cropping Hyacinths The Vegetable Garden Garden Walls Trenching, Ridging, Manuring Rotation Cropping The Culture of Vegetables Ornamental Gardening Rock-Work, Grottoes, Etc Portable Screen of Ivy The Flower Garden How to Make a Sun-Dial Planning Flower Gardens Rockwork Rockwork and Water Arbours The Kitchen Garden Ornamental Evergreen Trees and Shrubs for Small Gardens Garden Implements Lawn Mowers Planting and Care of Young Fruit Trees Garden Pests Climbing and Creeping Plants for Garden Decoration Evergreen Greenhouse Plants of Easy Culture Border Edgings The Cottager's Garden Calendar of Operations List of Fruits List of Vegetables. HERBS, THEIR DOMESTIC USES, PROPERTIES AND CULTURE : Thyme Sage Majoram Savory Mint Parsley Basil Clary Tansy Fennel Dill Tarragon Chervil Marigold Rue or Herb of Grace Hyssop Rosemary Lavender Balm Camomile Carraway Laurel or Bay Leaves Costmary or Alecost. WILD PLANTS SOMETIMES USED AS FOOD : Charlock Hedge Mustard Common Stinging Nettle Wild Hop Sow Thistle Burdock Shepherd's Purse Ox Tongue Spotted Hawk Weed Wild Rocket Willow Herb Fat Hen Sea Orache Sea Beet Chickweed Sea Holly Solomon's Seal Arrowhead Common Arum Dandelion Bitter Vetch or Mouse Pea Earth Nut or Pig Nut Meadow Sweet Early Purple Orchis or Sago Silver Weed or Wild Tansy Marsh Clown's All-heal Common Comfrey Wild Vetches The Sea Pea Salad Burnet Lady's Smock Stone Crop or Orpine Samphire Sea Bindweed Sweet Cicely The Buckshorn Plantain The Ox-eye Daisy The Common Sorrel The Wild Garlic The Butterwort Cow Parsnip Speedwell. POISONOUS PLANTS: The Wild Parsley or Water Dropwort The Water Hemlock or Crowbane The Common or Larger Celandine The Wolf's Banes The Bane-Berry The Sumach Deadly Nightshade Woody Nightshade Fool's Parsley Thorn Apple Henbane The Wild Lettuce Smallage Common Hemlock Foxglove Bear's Foot Water Fig-Wort Savin Tree Common or White Briony Spurge Mercury White Hellebore.

HOUSEHOLD DECORATIVE ART: Leather Work Recipe for Preserving Leaves How to make Flowers and Fruit in Leather How to make Leather Figures How to make Bee Hives in leather How to Make Diaphanie Screen-Making Albums and Scrapbooks How to Imitate Busts and Statuettes in Marble by Means of Wax Colored Transparencies Paper Flower Making Feather Screens Pretty and Cheap Table and Other Ornaments Modelling in Clay for Amateurs Decorative Modelling Indian Jars for Pourri Mantel Shelves Imitation Ivory and Jet Ornaments for the Table Casting in Plaster Ornamental Spills Indian Painting in Imitation of Ebony and Ivory Fret-Work and Carving in Wood Skeleton Leaves Fire Papers, Stove Boards, Etc Ornamental Chimney Boards Glass Painting Berlin Wool Mats Glass Painting Ornamental Jardinieres Gilding Fans and How to Make Them Cardboard Fretwork Flower-Pot Ornaments How to make an Ornamental Chess Table Fancy Work with Acorns Mode of Displaying Minerals, etc. As Drawing Room Ornaments Ornamental Tea-Pot Cosy and Egg Basket How to Make Articles for Gifts and Fancy Fairs The Art and Application of Illuminating How to make a velvet Spectacle Case How to make a Velvet Key Bag How to make a Gentleman's Toilette Case How to Make Topographical Models Imitation of Japan Decoration Cone Work Paper Flower Making Etrusco-Egyptian Flower Pots Casting from Nature The Water Bouquet Leaf-Work Shell Flowers Bead Mosaic Water-Colour Drawing on Wood How to Do Fish Scale Embroidery Ornamental Flower Pot Stands Workbox Furniture Window Decorations Temporary Decorations for an Impromptu Ball or Concert Room Papier Mache Work; Pearl Inlaying How to Make an Aeolian Harp Straw Mosaic Crayons Decorative Bronzes - Amateur Methods of Reproducing and Imitating Them Potichomanie Fernwork in Colors Picture Screens Embossing and Illuminating On Glass Transparent Painting for Blinds and Other Purposes Ringwork Wax Flower Making Bead Work on Wire Floral Ornaments for Windows and Back Yards. WORKING IN HAIR: Materials Tools and Appliances Preparing the Hair Working Designs in Hair Flowers The Tomb and Willow The Prince's Feather. PHOTOGRAPHY: The Camera Camera Stands Lenses Baths Dipper The Operating or Dark Room Glass Funnels Graduated Glass Measures A Few Wide and Narrow-Mouthed Bottles Plate Boxes Glass Plates Argentometer Collodion Bottle Plate Holder Printing Frame The Chemicals Collodion Nitrate of Silver "Test for Purity" Protosulphate of Iron Alcohol Acetic Acid Pyrogallic Acid Citric Acid Ammonia Bromide of Potassium Alum Hydrosulphite of Soda Mercury Bichloride Kaolin Chloride of Gold How to take a Photograph Choice of Subject and Light Focussing Cleaning the Plate Coating the Plate Sensitizing the Plate Exposure of the Plate Development Intensifying Fixing the Image Remarks on the Foregoing Over Intensification Uneven Development A Want of Sufficient Acid in the Developer Dust Falling upon the Plate Stray White Light falling upon the Plate Varnishing the Negative The Printing Process Sensitizing the Paper The Toning Process.

TAXIDERMY: How to Stuff and Preserve Birds and Other Animals, or Taxidermy Materials Preservative Compounds (Powders for Preserving the Skins of Birds and Quadrupeds) Preservative Solution Preservative Compound for the Skins of Fish and Reptiles Tools Stuffing and Setting Up Birds Skinning and Setting Up Quadrupeds Preservation of Reptiles Mounting "For the Attitude of Seizing Its Prey" "Flying" "Surprise" Proper Methods of Preserving Stuffed Animals from Injury Management of Animals which Are Intended to be Stuffed Skinning Birds. PERFUMERY: Pomades Scents Plants and Their Products Employed in Perfumery Clove Tonquin Beans Cassia and Cinnamon Caraway Seeds The Lemon Grass Mignonette and Lilac Bouquet de la Reine Albion Nosegay Eau de Cologne How to prepare eau de cologne Eau de Melisse des Carmes Eau Incomparable Eau d'Esprit de Myrtle Eau de Marechale Excelsior Perfume Eau de Ispahan Eau de Bouquet Eau de Beaute and Eau d'Elegance Bouquet d'Armour Eau d'Ambre Royal Eau d'Ambrette Esprit d'Orange Lisbon Water Eau de Portugal Hungary Water Eau de Miel Esprit de Jasmin Esprit de Fleurs Odeur Sauve Eau de Lavande de Millefleurs Perfumed Powder for Sachets Perfumed Vinegar Vinaigre Rosat.

NEEDLEWORK, FANCY WORK, EMBROIDERY, ETC. SOCIETY AND ETIQUETTE : SOCIETY: Weddings Wedding Breakfasts Forms of Invitation, "At Homes, " Morning Calls, Etc Promenades Garden Parties and Balls Balls, Suppers, Etc Juvenile Parties Open Air Parties, Picnics, Etc Bouquets, Floral Decorations, Etc Evening Entertainments: Private Concerts, Music Parties, Etc.

DANCING: Glissade Chassez Balances Sissone Balote and Coupe Balote Balances aux Coins Chaine Anglais Chaine des Dames Chaine des Dames Double Chaine (La Grande) Chassez Croisez Le Moulinet Demi Moulinet Retraversez Traversez Vis a Vis Quadrilles Sir Roger De Coverly The Schottische The Cellarius The Redowa The Varsovania The Mazurka The Galop The Waltz Country Dances The Cotillion. OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO WOMEN: Art Employment Officials Under Local Government and Other Boards Elementary Teaching High Class Tuition The Practice of Medicine Dispensing and Nursing Music Suggestions for Employment. PROTECTION FROM FIRE AND BURGLARY. THE REARING AND MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN.







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